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Creative art classes for everyone

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others. – S. Dali

Being convinced that everyone can find the joy of their own expression, I love to teach beginners and advanced students alike!

As professionally trained art teacher I enjoy concepting classes and projects for children and adults that encourages them to open their eyes and try out new styles and methods, looking of the beaten track for interesting subjects, whether it be for schools, birthday parties, private classes or in business environments.

Children Classes

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. – P.Picasso

My creative art classes for children aged 6-12 years take place at my atelier in Belair and are in English, French and German depending on the language needs of the children in the class. During the season we explore a wide range of materials and I introduce a varied choice of techniques for the children to learn, however the children’s magic gift of imagination and their inbound creativity is what I encourage to blossom. Due to the small max number of participants in each class, every child is encouraged at a very individual level. The pratical part of the course is essential but for the older children I am also introducing other examples of art that we discuss including our own creations and as such the students also verbally learn to express themselves about art and learn from each other’s experiences.

Seasonal classes are starting in spring and autumn and are generally going over a 10 weeks period and during most holidays I also offer a set of holiday workshops. For further information or availability of courses, please don’t hesitate to get into contact with me (please use contact form at the bottom of the Booking page) or ask to be added to my regular mailing list to be informed about the latest class programs first.

Adult Classes

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. – P. Picasso

In my art classes for adults I encourage my participants to reconnect to their inner artist. As children we all enjoyed painting, creating, making things – mostly up to the point that either someone told us that our creations weren’t that great or in a weak moment we compared our creations to someones else’s, that seemed so much more gifted then our own. And then the magic, the fun and the thrill to create gets quickly lost in life and living.

My passion is to develop classes that lets the participants rediscover this essential joy of the creation process and introduces them to exercises that are eye opening with the aim to remove blinkers. So that at the end of the classes not only have the participants started to create their own art again but also will walk through the world with more open eyes.

I am offering short term classes (over 4 – 5 weeks periods) or intensive classes (over a week from Monday – Friday) throughout the year and am constantly working on new exciting concepts for weekend courses. In order to be kept up to date on the latest course dates and subscription details, please join my mailing list through the contact form at the bottom of my Booking page. My creativity classes are also available in adaptable formats for companies and business environments. Please check my Services page.

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